
Apartment25 was born in 2014 in Mexico City, the project finds its purpose in creating a curated array of products within the art and design industry collaborating with amazing and talented designers and brands that share the same ethos of equality, love and respect. We aim to offer a pleasant and memorable experience to our costumers with our own particular take on fashion, design and lifestyle. Our goal is that everyone remembers the good times they spent on our store.
Apartment25 esta localizada en una casa de 1900 en la colonia Roma, el interior de la tienda busca crear un ambiente neutro para que las los diseños de los objetos tengan su respectivo foco visual. Cada pieza es cuidadosamente seleccionada por nuestro equipo de compradores que bajo un estudio de marcas y productos seleccionan lo ideal para el momento en que la tienda se encuentra. Esto hace que la tienda tienda un dinamismo en cual va cambiando regularmente.

Apartment25 is located in a house built in the 1900 in the heart of La Roma neighborhood. The interiors are designed in a muted palette so that every object can have their own visual focal point. Each piece is carefully curated by our team of buyers that select within a sea of brands and products, they choose the best pieces to have in store for that specific moment.